Making use of messages

We can not give you truth. Why? Because truth grows out of one’s own experience of it. In other words, truth becomes self-evident. Truth is not something one can buy from a truth vendor the way one buys newspapers from a newsstand. Instead, one must recognize truth as truth. That is why we say one must ‘own your truth.’ 

Learning is not the process of memorizing facts and recalling them on cue. Learning, genuine learning, is the process of perceiving truth. And once truth is seen (perceived), it cannot be unseen. Thus learning is a perceptual issue and not one of memorization and recollection, as useful as these skills are. 

As a result, the path you are about to embark on requires you to perceive reality and your ‘self’ from a different perspective. Success will depend on removing certain conditioning/habits/beliefs that limit one’s perception to a narrow bandwidth. We call this ’The Work.’ And you will find the name appropriate, as it requires effort on your part. We cannot do your work for you. It must be earned. 

Along the way, you may ask yourself questions like these: 

“What am I seeing now?” 

“Can I see ‘what I am seeing’ from other perspectives?” 

“How do these ‘other perspectives’ change what I see?”

“What am I NOT seeing that my thoughts and beliefs hide from view?” 

Once you realize that the picture before you is not the entire picture, then what lies beyond can come into view. This ‘coming into view’ cannot be taught but only experienced. That is why we say that learning is the process of perceiving truth. And expanding one’s perception is a skill that one can develop through the practice of perceiving.

1 thought on “Making use of messages

  1. I believe I have been as the saying goes ‘Red Pilled.’ Which is gaining a wider perception of for instance that political parties are all the same now serving the ‘Machine.’ I believe reading the works of Idries Shah since the nineties has helped in my increasing perception. A year ago I joined the northern group under a Sufi teacher Arif Ali Shah although I have never met him. From following Kingsley Dennis on Tube I found the books of Kaleb Seth Pearl they were his final recommendation of his top 10 spiritual books. Kaleb’s material reminds me of Shah’s material but seems clearer more for modern generations. I feel they are assisting a widening of my perception. I am now questioning linear time. Over-bearing God up in heaven. Universal laws of attraction and intention are operational. Feel moving nearer to the truth, having less emotional involvement in the material world. Facing all experiences good and bad as learning vehicles aiming to return to a middle ground of peace after each adventure. Am on a two year level four counselling course which is assisting in helping me deconstruct my Ego in an endeavour to empathise with my student and soon placement clients. Kind Regards Darren.

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