Q&A: Labels


Regarding the philosophical content of your books: Are you somehow connected to some of the Sufi works? We are finding so many similarities and references. Could you talk about it a little bit please?


Your question regarding ‘philosophical content’ – there is Knowledge and Truth that exists beyond all categories of ‘wisdom traditions’ and which have been presented within particular traditions at times upon the planet. Yes, we are familiar with those that you term ‘Sufi works.’ In our transmissions we have used various known sources, including popular culture references. For deeper symbolic purposes, the Sufi material has a strong alignment and resonance. Note, however, that ‘Sufi’ is itself a label, and which also now carries an external energy imposed upon it. It is not our intention to transmit any pre-determined energy packages. At this time of great change upon the planet, it is significant that categories, labels, and external artifacts not be carried over. For a new rooting of energy to occur, it is necessary that older conditionings and filters be put aside. For this reason, we have maintained a more neutral positioning for these transmissions. For the ‘essential’ to be transmitted, it only requires the clothing of the moment – and for the moment. When the essential information resides within your body-mind, it is free from all labels or clothing.

In Gratitude,

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