Q&A: Age and Understanding


I am in that group of people that are sometimes called “youngster”. In spite of loving some of them with all my heart, I feel mostly alone between them. Do you see something different from my limited view (that could give me any hope)? What can we do? What can I do?


We note you place yourself in the ‘youngster’ category, though we recognize this is only due to the category of age. This is an inaccurate way of positioning yourself. Age is a measurement of linear time upon the planet – it does not represent your resonance of ‘spirit’ or inner experience. We may suggest you consider yourself as one aspect of an eternal existence, and that age in this life experience does not reflect your genuine state of being.

Each person acts according to their own understanding, and are in need of their own experiences. You cannot ‘push’ another person when they are not ready to see or understand from your perspective. We recognize this can be frustrating at times. We ask you: for who are you living for – your Self or for the self of others? You must allow. To allow each life experience to arrive at their own understanding. In truth, you exist in a Unity. As physical manifestations, each being requires its own Path. Walk your Path in patience and in the allowance of others.

Do not feel ‘defeated’ or alone. Defeat is an inner submission. Your inner self can never be ‘defeated’ – only your outer expression. Do not attach to this outer manifestation but live within the inner truth. When you resonate with awareness, you share this with others who come into your resonance. It is not always visible – it is energetic. Retain your energetic state and you shall be assisting others too. You are not alone. It may only feel this way. You are All and Everything as well as the singular ‘you.’

In Gratitude,

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