It is interesting to observe the difference between those who study KSP and those who use KSP to study themselves. The former use KSP to gather ideas that they use to impress others or relate KSP to say Shah; while the latter use KSP to gather and sew together their parts into a cohesive whole. The former strengthens the bars of their prison; while the latter unlocks the door to a wider world.
This thought came into view this morning in a conversation with a friend. I share it with you as I feel it reflects the focus we take regarding the work we do.
David Wood
Dear Friend,
We appreciate, as always, your thoughts, reflections, and observations. There are degrees of distinction in all paths of the Work, according to how people approach the Work, and ‘how’ they respond to or assimilate the materials. Such materials are fundamentally tools to use upon oneself. The study of the materials is often a first approach, or response, before the tools then get turned upon oneself. We would not say that the study of KSP materials ‘strengthens the bars of their prison’ for even in the gathering of such ideas to impress others this also facilitates an opening for the materials to be present with the person. We feel that to be observant of the uses and approaches of the KSP materials allows a person to gain discernment, which in turn demands patience for others. For the one who has had their door unlocked to a wider world also has the responsibility to offer that door to others.
This Work you are engaged upon may soon demand this next step of greater discernment and subtlety.
In Gratitude,
Teaching, as was his custom, during the ordinary business of
life, Sheikh Abu Tahir Harami rode his donkey one day into
a market place, a disciple following behind.
At the sight of him, a man called out: ‘Look, here comes
the ancient unbeliever!’
Harami’s pupil, his wrath aroused, shouted at the defamer.
Before long there was a fierce altercation in progress.
The Sufi calmed his disciple, saying: ‘If you will only cease
this tumult, I will show you how you can escape this kind of
They went together to the old man’s house. The sheikh
told his follower to bring him a box of letters. ‘Look at
these. They are all letters addressed to me. But they are
couched in different terms. Here someone calls me “Sheikh
of Islam”; there, “Sublime Teacher”. Another says I am
the “Wise One of the Twin Sanctuaries”. And there are
‘Observe how each styles me in accordance with what he
considers me to be. But I am none of these things. Each man
calls another just what he thinks him to be. This is what the
unfortunate one in the market-place has just done. And yet
I D R I E S S H A H 204
you take exception to it. Why do you do so – since it is the
general rule of life?’
‘The power and true portent of the song is in the rhythm.’ (Own Your Reality, p168.) This is so true. We are beings of rhythm (physiological, cellular). We are governed by circadian rhythms, lunar rhythms. Our planet is affected by diurnal and seasonal as well as lunar rhythms. Solar cycles impact weather and our health. It looks as if Earth, and possibly our galaxy, is undergoing a geomagnetic excursion. This is a six-thousand year event. I’m scratching the surface. Rhythms, cycles are largely ignored. As KSP tells us, we have been so caught up in reading the letters of the song that we have forgotten the tune.
Toni, which comment would you like to delete? Do you see an “Edit” link next to the timestamp above your comment?
No Ben, thanks. I do not see an edit link next to the time stamp on any of my comments.
Ben. It was not the link I wnted to cancel. It was repetitions. Perhaps you could delete the comment to Ita for me.
The Videos I put up are in my opinion illustrative of certain points made in the KSP texts and helpful. Video is long but explains what has happened to information. Why information has become a problem. It also explains how and why the bible is such a corrupted text. A corruption that has had a most distorting effect over generations.